Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Initiate European Spring Break
Oh and get this. I'm missing two days of school because Semana Santa actually starts Friday and umm am missing some midterms. I get to make them all up except for my midterm in my Spanish conversation class. Hello minus 17 percent of my final grade. Haha I know right, I can't believe I'm missing it either, but whatever I'll learn more on this trip than I will the whole year in that class.
Today was a good day. I got two letters from my dad and Sanders and a package from my Aunt Kathy with....GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!!!!! And they are my favorite kind and I was so excited to get it and wasn't expecting it and it was great. So a big thank you for anyone who has sent a package or letter, I appreciate them more than you know. Thank you. I also had futbol practice today which was awesome because I finally got to wear shorts and a tshirt outside. It felt so good, I'm glad the weather is finally starting to straighten out. And my soccer coach let me borrow his hiking backpack so it's all packed up and ready to go.
Yesterday was also a nice day and some friends and I headed to the park. It was such a perfect day, we sprawled out on the grass and read, did homework, played poker, and futbol. I'm liking Madrid more and more with the nice weather. :)
Well I'm about to head downstairs for dinner and make sure I have everything I need packed. I will hopefully be able to write about my trip by April 5 or so.
Until then,
Thursday, March 18, 2010
la dolce vita

So our hotel was pretty close to the Vatican and we started off our walking tour and just walked around the area by us and to the Vatican, just kind of taking in the scenery and the people. It was really nice to be out at 7 in the morning because the air was so fresh and there weren't a ton of people out...very relaxing. Our walking tour with API started at 9:35 so we headed back to the hotel, just in time for another stab at breakfast haha! The our tour guide took us to Piazza del Popolo (Plaza of the People) and from here 3 streets branch off from the Piazza, which is known as The Trident and these streets are known for their expensive shopping. We passed Louis Vuitton, Dolce and Gabbana, Prada etc, etc. We passed other plazas on our walk as well as several churches. She took us to the Trevi Fountain which I LOVED and didn't realize how big it actually was. Interesting story: she took us to the fountain from a side street and told us to stop in this certain place where we were standing right next to the fountain but couldn't see it because of this structure.

Our walking tour ended at Campo de Fiori, where they have a market each Saturday I believe. So I bought some trinkets while I was there, we grabbed a quick slice of pizza each and headed towards the Vatican so we could make it in before it closed for the day. We heard horror stories about the line for the Vatican Museum so we were worried that we might not get in, but we must have picked a perfect time because I think we were in line for only 10 minutes or less. The Vatican was honestly overflowing with art. There was so much there and we didn't even come close to seeing half of it I'm sure. We saw famous paintings by Raphael like The School of Athens

The best part, of course, was the Sistine Chapel and the painting The Last Judgement. We did not have time to go inside St. Peter's Basilica, but we did get to see the outside of it.

Thursday, March 11, 2010
I Don't Speak Freaky Deaky Dutch.

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Destination Amsterdam.


Monday, March 1, 2010
Primero de Marzo
Morgan Bucciferro
63 Calle San Bernardo
28015 Madrid Spain
Also, big news we won our first soccer game of the season! It was a huge deal, we won 4-0 and the next day our coach brought us beer and gummy bears for winning...life doesn't get much better than cerveza and gummy bears. So that was fun and I actually scored a goal, which was exciting.
Feb 19-21 we went to Salamanca. It is a small town about 3 hours west of Madrid where the oldest university of Spain is located. It was actually really cool and had a nice college town feel because I think there are 55,000 students in a 175,000 person town..something like that. While we were there we saw the university, library, and two cathedrals which were absolutely beautiful, I took lots of pictures to share once I get back. The town was very Spanish, much prettier than Madrid in my opinion. At night we ended up going to a bar called Jacko's. It was a Micheal Jackson bar. The bar had his pictures everywhere and dolls of him and they only played songs by him and his music videos where being shown. It was hilarious. I don't know what it was doing in a small Spanish town. Anywho I took lots of pictures for you Rachel, because this place would have been heaven for you.

This weekend was great. I stayed in Madrid and did alot of different activities. Thursday night I went to a Jazz bar and it was great. It was a bit more upbeat with a stellar harmonica player..that was really enjoyable. Then we ran to another bar for some delicious sangria. After that my friend Lauren and I decided to meet up with some other friends at a discoteca called JOY. If you read about Madrid it is like a must do, but I don't think I will be going back. Not my cup of tea. Too many Americans and American music. Not what I'm here for...Anyway the next day I woke up and went for a walk again. I ended up going to Sol and just hopping on a bus that took me to the outskirts of Madrid to the Atletico Madrid stadium...then it took me back to Plaza Mayor where I read my book for a bit and then headed back to the resi. That night I ended up going out with my Spanish neighbor and she took me to this underground club called Independence and it was basically like a concert downstairs. Loud music and cram packed with people. It was really fun and something different, so that made me like it even more.
I also woke up early on Sunday and decided to go for a stroll because it was so nice outside and I was walking past Palacio Real and the cathedral, when I decided to see what time mass started. I only had a 15 minute wait, so I decided to drop in and it was really cool. The choir was behind me and in a loft. There were probably 35 people in the choir and there was a HUGE organ. It was so pretty. The mass was a little hard for me to understand, not only because it was in Spanish, but it was echoing which made it even harder for me to understand haha. After that I found a fish market called San Miguel Mercado and it was PACKED first of all and had all types of fish and octopus and lobster and all other types of sea creatures. Not just like the meat though, their whole bodies where intact and for sale. After that I went back for lunch and then right after that went to the Parque de Retiro with some friends. Had a cana (small beer) in the park, watched street performers and just relaxed. Overall great day.
My March is really busy. I leave for Amsterdam this Friday. Super excited about this trip. Anne Franks house (huge fan) really can't wait to go there. Van Gogh Museum and I can't wait to rent a bike and ride it around all day. Then next weekend I go to Rome with my API group, which should be amazing and I can't wait to go! The next weekend will be the only weekend in March Ill be in Madrid and then the last weekend Ill be on spring break so Italy, Vienna, Prague, and Copenhagen.
Should be interesting. I changed the color of my blog to a more springy color. Black and March just don't mix.