I think my favorite part about being here is that my weekend starts at approximately 1:00pm every Thursday. haha now I know what other college students feel like with a 3 day weekend its awesome. I leave for Eindhoven in about 9 hours. I have a 6 am flight tomorrow morning which isn't too fun since the metro stops running at 1:30 am so it means we have to take a taxi or we sleep at the airport tonight. I'm just going to go with a cab for this trip. We get in Eindhoven at about 8:30 and then we have to take a train to Amsterdam, which is only about an hour..so not bad. I looked up the weather and its suppose to rain on Friday, but luckily not Saturday..hopefully. I really really want to see the Anne Frank house and Van Gogh Musuem so it looks like I'll be doing that on Friday. Check on the Red Light district...I'm sure that will be quite the eye opening experience. Then Saturday there is this really cool bike tour that goes to the country side that we are thinking about doing. It takes us past some old windmills and to a clog and cheese making factory! I'm excited! This will be the second country outside of Spain that I have visited.
Anyway, school this week was just dandy. I actually had a test on El Greco.. what?!? A test abroad..its true I do have to do some work while I'm over here. I've started walking to and from school. Its about 2.5 miles each way. I like it minus this giant hill I have to walk up at one point on my trip. I have to find a way around that eventually...I bought another journal today, because I have about 5 pages left of the one my friend Alyssa bought for me. I went to a Spanish bar on Tuesday night for some reason...and it ended up being really fun. There were tons of Spanish students, I think we were the only Americans there...and they played all types of Spanish music and then played "I Will Survive" but it was in Spanish..so we all just sang the words in English. haha. We left around 3 on a Tuesday and let me tell you this place was still packed. I'm still not sure if the Spanish population ever sleeps. I seriously have no idea how they do that.
Ok here is something interesting about Spanish comida (food). For breakfast everyone here loves to eat toast with olive oil and salt on it and then sometimes a tomato sauce on top of it. Different right? They also serve small, very plain cookies for breakfast. Oh and I don't know if I ever mentioned but the milk is warm...and yes I am used to that now and it doesn't even bother me. The first time I had warm milk with my cereal I had to throw it away because I couldn't stomach it.
Here are some random pictures of Madrid from some of the exploring I have done. I figured I could share a few.
I like to call the first picture "Ping Pong in the Park". I thought it was a cool photo op and I like the idea. Next is a picture of Palacio Real, where Spanish Royalty used to live. The place is huge. I went on a tour there and there are hundreds of room decorated very extravagantly. Then the third picture is a picture taken by my friend Luna of our Metro stop one snowy evening.


This building was my desktop on my computer before I came to Spain. Then I got to see it in real life so I took a picture. Its about a 15 minute walk from my resi.

I will write all about my trip when I return Sunday!
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