Well its Saturday morning/afternoon. And I just woke up a little bit ago and decided I needed to update this little online journal. Last night was my friend Paloma's birthday so a ton of kids from the resi went to a club called Naranja, it was a blast, a nice mix of American/Spanish techno style music and if I remember correctly a little Spice Girls was even played! Haha.
2 weeks ago I did end up going to Ireland (Dublin and Galway) without being trapped by volcanic ash. It was an amazing trip and I am so happy I had the opportunity to go. With it being my last weekend and all, I think I will most likely have to write about Ireland when I get back to the good old US of A and I am just relaxing on my couch catching up on Grey's Anatomy, The Office, Glee, and just about every movie that has come out since January. Anyway, I have 6 days left in Madrid. So surreal. Almost everyone in my program flies home May 28. I will also be flying May 28, but not to the States, I will be headed to Slovenia to stay with some distant family members. I am super excited and really hope the volcano does not interfer with my travel plans. I am having such mixed feelings about having to go home. I am looking forward to it on one hand, but on the other I know how much I'm going to miss it here. The lifestyle, the friends I have made, the everyday places I walk past everyday. Anyway, my cousin Samantha is also in Spain at this time, in a town called Trujillo, so I might get a chance to visit her on Wednesday, but it might be really hard with finals and everything...oh yes I am still in school. I will be landing in the US on June 2.
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